Welcome to Step 3 of Module 2
Right now you will be provided
a document called Rep Types.
Rep Types are different ways
you can apply what you are learning
to different situations in life.
This will help you connect to Little You
more spontaneouslyand more often.
With more ways to care for yourself,
Keep doing the Listen Practice
for your Full Reps for the rest of Module 2.
If you can still occasionally
use language from Module 1
You've now practiced Step 1
of the 3 Steps of Care....Listen.
And by the end of Module 4
you'll be trained in all 3 Steps.
Being trained in the 3 Steps of Care
gives you two key benefits.
Short term
Applying the steps consistently
will lower your Funky Feelings
by the end of Module 4.
Long Term
You can keep applying the Steps
after the official program is over.
Which means you can keep lowering
your Funkiness to lower and lower levels.
I am telling you this
so you don't feel a pressure
that all of your improvement
has to happen by the end of the program.
Pressure is not helpful to your process.
It creates added stress to your system.
But also, Little You doesn't like it
because they feel 'pressured'
to feel better and change.
Which is not unconditional love.
Of course, you want to feel completely better
by the end of the program.
But I'm sure you see it took a long time
for all this neglect to build up.
And it might take more than a few weeks
to get things fully healthy again.
So, try to do your best
to be committed to this process.
But also try not to need or force
things to go a certain way.
In this process, but also in life,
that usually doesn't end up working out.
You don't have to report at the exact Rep Times.
You can report 1 hr before or after.
Listening to your Funky Feelings
can be challenging. Especially at first.
So, to Listen to yourself
you need to challenge yourself a bit.
At the same time if it's too intense
don't pressure/force yourself.
It's true Little You wants
to see you Listening to their Funkiness.
But if after a while You/Little You is saying
'Hey this is too much, let's stop.'
That is also something you should also listen to.
If you ignore that voice
it makes Little You feel like you're not Listening
and it's a bit counter productive.
Also, a from of Neglect you probably do
is not being gentle and patience with yourself.
So, if you notice yourself
'pushing and forcing' yourself to Listen
just use it as an opportunity
to be more patience and gentle with yourself.
This entire curriculum is based in
being more caring to yourself.
Including how you use the tools.
If you push too hard it's not caring to You/Little You
which breaks trust and defeats the purpose.
Also, look at your intention of
why you may be pushing yourself
or feel like you 'have to' to do it more or better.
Of course you want to feel better
and so there may be a tendancy to think
the more/better I do this, the faster I will feel better.
And while that's understandable
the intention of care isn't there.
And intention matters.
For Little You to trust you
they need to feel you are spending time with them
for the right reasons.
They want to feel you are spending time with them
because you care about them.
Also, because it's the right thing to do.
Not because you want to feel better.
So, as best you can try to be gentle to yourself.
Do the exercises not with the intention to get 'more' or do 'better.'
But rather just because you want to care for You/Little You better.
Of course you want to feel better.
But for the time of this process
do your best to take your focus
off of the goal and the outcome.
Try to let go of expectations.
And just focus on being more caring to You/Little You
Focus on that and you should be
pleasantly surprised with what unfolds.
Any day can provide you with
several opportunities to better love yourself.
As you went through the Rep Types document
you may have discovered you were already,
on some level, applying some of the concepts
described there.
If you connect with a genuine intention to
love yourself better all the time,
you'll find out these different types of Reps
will happen naturally as a consequence of that.
Experiment with these while you keep up
with your Daily Caredio.
With Ongoing Wholehearted Love,
Just a reminder if you are willing to give up the protection of the 'No Change No Charge' guarantee you can do the program at your own pace and style.
If at any point you'd like to do that, contact us at and just tell us:
a) You'd like to do the program at your own pace.
b) You are okay to begin paying for the program
c) If you want to pay in full or in installments.